State Key Laboratory
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BriefIntroduction of State Key Laboratory of Mountain Bridge and Tunnel EngineeringCo-built by Provincal Goverment and the Ministryof Transport

BriefIntroduction of State Key Laboratory of Mountain Bridge and Tunnel EngineeringCo-built by Provincal Govermentand the Ministryof Transport

The former State Key Laboratory of Mountain Bridges and Tunnels Engineering (hereinafter referred to as the Laboratory) is formerly known as the Key Laboratory of Bridge Structural Engineering of the Ministry of Transport and Communications, the Key Laboratory of Structural Engineering in Chongqing, the Research Center of Mountain Bridge Structures and Materials Engineering of the Ministry of Education, and the Collaborative Innovation Platform of Long-term Performance and Safety of Mountain Bridges and Tunnels of the Ministry of Transport and Communications, which was approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology as the cultivation base of the State Key Laboratory jointly built by the province and ministryin 2010.In May 2018, the ChongqingMunicipalGovernment sent a letter to the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) recommending the declaration of a national key laboratory to be built by the province and ministry.In March 2019, laboratory construction was included in the agreed support for the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Chongqing Municipal Government's Ministry-City Working Meeting.In July 2019, the implementation plan of laboratory construction and operation successfully passed the expert demonstration organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology.In December 2019, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Chongqing Municipal Government held a special consultation on the construction and development of the laboratory in Beijing, and the construction was officially approved on March 3, 2020.For a long time, the laboratory has been carrying out basic research and applied fundamental research in the field of engineering construction, maintenance and management of mountain bridges and tunnels, focusing on the major strategic needs of national transportation construction, as well as major scientific issues such as geospatial non-determinism and structural behavior variability of mountain bridges and tunnels, and has set up three main research directions, including structural behavior and control of mountain bridges, intelligent perception and maintenance of mountain bridges, and mechanical behavior and operational safety of mountain tunnels, in order to solve the key scientific and technological problems restricting the construction and management of transportation infrastructure in mountainous areas of China.

The director of the laboratory is Professor Zhou Jianting, a recipient of the National Outstanding Young People's Fund and a Changjiang scholar, and the academic committee is composed of three academicians: Zheng Jielian, Du Yanliang and Lai Yuanming as director and vice director.A laboratory construction management committee was established with the president of Chongqing Jiaotong University as its director.It brings together a high-level research and development team of 16 national talents, including academicians, Changjiang Scholars, and National Jieqing, and 35 provincial and ministerial-level talents. The laboratory construction invested 259 million yuan and the research area is 47,800 square meters. The laboratory is equipped with 156 sets of internationally leading multi-functional environmental/load coupling test system in the field of civil engineering, international advanced 3D tunnel and underground engineering comprehensive test system, and all-environmental accelerated loading test system for bridge, tunnel and roadway structures, with a total value of more than 170 million yuan, which strongly support the laboratory's scientific and technological innovation capability.

In the past five years, the laboratory has undertaken more than 280 vertical research projects, including the National 973 Program, the National Science and Technology Support Program, the National Science and Technology Major Special Project, the National Major Research Instruments Development Project, the National Key Research and Development Program and the National Natural Science Foundation of China, of which 58 are national projects with research funding of more than 250 million yuan.The laboratory has published more than 500 academic papers that have been searched by SCI and EI, authorized more than 200 invention patents, published 25 monographs, and compiled 18 national industry and local standards. Achievements have been awarded the National Science and Technology Progress Award, the second prize 10, provincial and ministerial science and technology special awards, first prize, second prize 56. Testing, reinforcement and treatment of more than 4,000 bridges, to save economic losses of billions of dollars, the research results are applied to the world's twelve largest bridge and tunnel projects, to maintain the construction of large-span arch bridge and operation and maintenance technology level of China's leading position, the country to promote the Sichuan-Tibet railway and other major projects, the implementation of the "One Belt, One Road" development strategy, the western region of the Greater China region. The development strategy has an important scientific and technological support role.

Bridgeexperimentalbuilding on Shuangfucampus of the State Key Laboratory of Mountain Bridge and Tunnelco-built byprovincalgoverment and theministry oftransport

Tunnelexperimentalbuilding on Shuangfucampus of the State Key Laboratory of Mountain Bridge and Tunnelco-built byprovincalgoverment and theministry oftransport

Coupled load test systemReaction rack systemfor complex environments and loads

Large tonnage node test reaction systemLarge tonnage electro-hydraulic servo loading system

Large Scale Tunnel and Underground Structure 3D Model Test System

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