Introduction Of Major
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The Major settings of the School of Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering (including Road, Bridge and River -Crossing Engineering, and Civil Engineering)

Civil engineering majors are currently enrolled according to major categories, with students enrolled in the first year of school to complete the general education and basic platform courses required for their major and meet the relevant regulations.In the third semester, students are streamed into two majors, Road, Bridge and River-Crossing Engineering and Civil Engineering, based on their academic results, performance and personal strengths. In the fifth semester, students entering the civil engineering program are streamed into the Road Engineering, Bridge Engineering, Tunnel and Underground Engineering, Metro and Rail Engineering, and Building Structural Engineering programs.

Road, Bridge and River -Crossing Engineering

Specialty orientation:The major is based on the construction and development needs of overseas transportation industry, facing roads, bridges, tunnels and other infrastructure, focusing on the basic theory, professional knowledge, professional skills and engineering quality of transportation civil engineering survey, design, construction, management and maintenance, rescue and disaster relief, to adapt to the needs of overseas transportation development, and to become a distinctive major.

Training Objectives:This major cultivates senior specialists who can adapt to the all-round development of morality, intellect and body, master the basic principles and comprehensive knowledge of traffic civil engineering such as roads, bridges and tunnels, possess international project management and international literacy, have basic training as an engineer, be competent for the technology and management of overseas traffic civil engineering, and have strong practical ability and innovation ability.

core curriculum:Theoretical mechanics, Mechanics of Materials, Structural Mechanics, Hydraulics and Bridge Hydrology, Engineering Geology, Construction Materials, Structural Design Principles, Foundation Engineering, Road Engineering, Bridge Engineering, Tunnel Engineering, International EPC model, International Project Claims, Cross-Cultural Communication.

Employment service orientation andmainly engaged in work:Graduates mainly serve in the construction of overseas transportation infrastructure and work in design institutes, enterprises and public institutions or schools related to highways, urban roads, bridges, tunnels, municipalities, transportation and other transportation industries.

specialty characteristics:This major focuses on the cultivation of comprehensive technical talents in the direction of construction, management and rescue and disaster relief of overseas roads, bridges and tunnels and other transportation civil engineering, relying on the university's 66-year history of civil engineering majors, with strong faculty and rich experience in running schools.

Civil Engineering

Specialty orientation:The major is based on the needs of civil engineering construction and development, facing roads, bridges, tunnels, underground structures, construction engineering, rail transportation and other engineering facilities, focusing on the basic theory, professional knowledge, professional skills and engineering quality of civil engineering investigation, design, construction, testing, management and maintenance, to adapt to the needs of modern civil engineering development, has become a distinctive industry, advanced civil engineering major.

Training Objectives:This major aims to cultivate senior specialists who can adapt to the needs of economic and social development, develop morally, intellectually and physically, master the basic knowledge and principles of civil engineering disciplines, undergo basic training as engineers, and be competent for the technology and management of civil engineering works such as roads, bridges, tunnels, underground structures and housing construction, etc., with solid basic theories, broad professional knowledge, strong practical ability, innovation ability and certain international perspectives, and be future-oriented.

core curriculum:Theoretical Mechanics, Mechanics of Materials, Structural Mechanics, Geotechnics, Hydraulics and Bridge Hydrology, Engineering Surveying, Engineering Geology, Construction Materials, Principles of Concrete Structural Design, Principles of Steel Structural Design, Road Engineering Course Group, Bridge Engineering Course Group, Tunnel and Track Engineering Course Group, Structural Building Engineering Course Group, Inspection and Maintenance Engineering Course Group.

Employment service orientation andmainly engaged in work:Graduates serve the transportation and urban-rural construction industry, engaging in planning, design, construction, supervision, project management, testing and maintenance of highways, urban roads, bridges, tunnels and underground projects, housing construction, rail transportation, as well as scientific research and teaching work.

specialty characteristics:With a history of 66 years, the Civil Engineering major featuring roads and bridges has established a complete training system from bachelor's degree to master's degree, doctoral degree and post-doctoral degree; it has various talent cultivation modes such as "Mao Yisheng Class" and "Excellent Engineer Class"; the major is a national specialty, a pilot specialty of "Excellent Engineer Education Training Program" and a specialty of "Three Special Action Plans" in Chongqing, and has passed the national evaluation (certification) of civil engineering majors.


Specialty orientation:Based on but not limited to the safety production needs of traffic and civil engineering construction and operation, this specialty is mainly oriented to various engineering facilities such as roads, bridges, and tunnels in the field of transportation, with safety engineering and traffic civil engineering as the background, based on the safety theory and technology of traffic civil engineering, focusing on safety evaluation and management, adapting to the safety engineering needs of traffic civil engineering and transportation industry.

Training Objectives:This major cultivates high-quality composite material professionals with comprehensive development of morality, intelligence and physique, basic training of engineers, solid foundation and good quality, who can be engaged in safety engineering technology, safety scientific research, safety supervision and management, environmental monitoring, safety design and production, safety education and training, with an innovative spirit and practical ability.

core curriculum:Engineering Mechanicals, Engineering Geology, Building Materials, Structural Design Principles, Safety System Engineering, Safety Ergonomics, Civil Engineering Safety Evaluation, Safety Management, Safety Behavior, Accident Investigation and Case Analysis, Safety Economics, Safety Laws and Regulations, Safety Psychology, Safety Detection and Monitoring, Ventilation, and Dust Engineering, etc.

Employment service orientation andmainly engaged in work:Graduates mainly serve the transportation and urban and rural construction industries and are engaged in safety engineering technology, safety supervision and management, safety testing and monitoring, safety design and production, safety education and training, safety scientific research, and so on.

specialty characteristics:Based on the safety production needs of transportation and civil engineering construction and management, this specialty builds a talent training system focusing on safety engineering technology, safety supervision and management, safety testing and monitoring, safety design and production, safety education and training, and safety scientific research in roads, bridges, tunnels, urban rail transit, construction, and other projects.


Specialty orientation:Based on engineering mechanicals, engineering application as the background, with the basic theory of mechanical science and engineering quality education as the focus, through multidisciplinary cross-integration, to adapt to the needs of mechanical professionals in the field of engineering, the professional construction of the western region has a certain influence and engineering application characteristics of engineering mechanicals major.

Training Objectives:To meet the needs of modernization, this major cultivates high-level compound talents with comprehensive development in morality, intelligence, and physical education, mastering the basic theory of mechanics, computing technology and experimental skills, and being able to engage in the design and analysis, technical development and technical management related to mechanics in relevant engineering fields. Theoretical mechanicals, materials mechanicals, structural mechanicals, elastic mechanicals, structural vibration and stability, finite meta-methods, structural analysis software applications, civil engineering structure testing, and detection.

core curriculum:TheoreticalMechanics,Mechanics ofMaterials,StructuralMechanics,ElasticMechanics,StructuralVibration andStability,FiniteElementMethods,StructuralAnalysisSoftwareApplications,CivilEngineeringStructuralTesting andInspection.

Employment service orientation andmainly engaged in work:Graduates mainly serve the transportation and urban and rural construction industries, engaged in mechanical-related bridges and other civil engineering design, construction, quality inspection, monitoring, supervision, and management work, or scientific research units engaged in structural analysis, safety assessment, technology development work, or in tertiary institutions related to mechanical teaching and scientific research work.

specialty characteristics:This major has a long history, facing civil engineering, with the help of the school's rich scientific research resources and civil engineering discipline advantages, training with solid mechanical and civil engineering knowledge, and has strong structural analysis and testing ability of composite professionals, to adapt to civil engineering design, construction, quality inspection, and management needs.


Specialty orientation:This specialty is based on engineering measurement, with surveying and mapping science and technology as the background, with traffic civil engineering measurement as the characteristics, with mapping science and technology basic theory and spatial information acquisition, processing, analysis, expression, application, service basic principles and engineering quality education as the focus, training to adapt to the development needs of the mapping and transportation industry senior professional and technical personnel, and strive to build a domestic first-class mapping engineering professional.

Training Objectives:This specialty cultivates moral, intellectual and physical all-round development, has the basic knowledge of digital science and humanities and social sciences, masters the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills of surveying and mapping engineering, receives scientific thinking and engineering practice training, has innovative consciousness and entrepreneurial ability, and can engage in the production, design, development, research, teaching, and management of surveying and mapping engineering technology and related fields in the fields of surveying and mapping, transportation, planning, land and resources, mining, water conservancy, electric power, and other departments.

core curriculum:AnOverview ofSurveying andMapping,GeneralSurveying,DataStructure,ComputerGraphics,MapScience,GeodesyFoundation,DeformationMonitoring andDataProcessing,MeasurementParityBasis,DigitalPhotogrammetry,RemoteSensingPrinciples andApplications,EngineeringSurveying,DigitalMappingPrinciples andApplications, GISPrinciples andApplications, GPSPrinciples andApplications,Geodesics andLandManagement.

Employment service orientation andmainly engaged in work:Graduates of this major are engaged in planning, design, implementation, and management of surveying and mapping and related information projects, as well as in government departments, teaching, and scientific research units, for urban construction planning and management, transportation (including roads, railways, and water transport), land and real estate, industrial enterprises, marine, construction, water conservancy, electricity, petroleum, metallurgy, national defense, surveying and mapping, engineering surveying, urban and enterprise information management, etc.

specialty characteristics:This specialty is the only one in Chongqing and even southwest China that relies on the transportation industry for construction, after more than ten years of development, has formed an intelligent GIS theory and method, structural deformation monitoring theory and method, engineering survey field information, engineering remote sensing and image processing and other research directions, pay attention to the training of practical ability, and build a scientific and reasonable, distinctive talent training program, curriculum system and practical teaching system.

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